October 18, 2024
Run Facebook Ads

Facebook ads refer to online advertisements that are create and publish on the Facebook platform to be target to its users. Facebook ads are a type of display ad and can only be see by the platform’s users who have be select(ed) using Facebook’s targeting tools.

Run Facebook Ads

Ads Manager is a Facebook tool that lets you create and manage your Facebook ads. You can view, make changes and see results for all your Facebook campaigns, ad sets, and ads. With Ads Manager you can: Create ad campaigns. With Ads Manager, you can use ad creation to design your ads in a step-by-step process.

Facebook is a website that allows users, who sign-up for free profiles, to connect with friends, work colleagues, or people they don’t know, online. It allows users to share pictures, music, videos, and articles, as well as their own thoughts and opinions with however many people they like.

How To Run Facebook Ads

With 2.7 billion lively users, Facebook nevertheless gives organizations one among the most important audiences on earth to put it up for sale their merchandise, and ninety-eight.five% of facebook’s total sales (almost $70 billion) comes from businesses doing simply that. while FB advertisements are carried out properly, they can power new customers for your site and generate income, new page likes, and subscribers. relying on your enterprise, average conversion costs for FB commercials range between 1% to over 14%!

So, how do you increase your chances of changing FB users into paying clients and subscribers? by means of getting the basics right.  understanding the way to set goals, pick correct targets, and place the right advertisements can considerably enhance your Facebook ad’s chances of having visible with the aid of your target market.

What are Facebook ads?

Facebook ads are online advertisements that target people based on their profile information, demographics, behavior, and location on Facebook. By advertising to people based on these criteria, you can use Facebook ads to create targeted ads for specific products, goals, and objectives.

Facebook ads also offer companies a lot of options when it comes to how your ads appear to your audience. You can use not only still images, but videos, slideshows, and product collections to advertise your products, events, or content to a targeted audience.

Facebook ads are targeted to users based on their location, demographic, and profile information. Many of these options are only available on Facebook. After creating an ad, you set a budget and bid for each click or thousand impressions that your ad will receive.

How much does it cost to advertise on Facebook per month?

How much does it cost to advertise on Facebook per month? Companies spend an average of $200 to $800 on Facebook ads per month. Depending on the size of your business, as well as investment in social media advertising, you may spend more than $800 or less than $200.

Once you create a Facebook ad, you’re also in charge of the budget and how much you’re willing to pay for each click and impression on your ad, giving you complete control over how your advertising money is spent. As you can see, there are various parts of the ad you can optimize like the headline and description to get your message across. For example, if you are advertising a lead magnet like an eBook, you’ll include information about what’s inside the book and how it can help your target audience solve a problem.

When creating the ad, InfoShare Academy focused on highlighting their niche — intensive programming courses for beginners who want to start working in IT. After creating the eBook and marketing it to IT beginners using Facebook ads, InfoShare Academy attracted 1,200 new contacts in just one month. Each new contact gathered using this ad cost InfoShare Academy around $0.35, meaning the entire Facebook Ad campaign only cost the company $420.

A step-by-step guide to running Facebook ads

Step 1.  Get familiar with Facebook Ads Manager

  • Facebook Ads Manager is where all the magic happens.
  • It’s where you set your objectives, target audiences, set your advertising budget and set up your ads.
  • The first step to creating a new Facebook Ad is to launch a new “campaign.” And to do this, you first need to set an objective for the campaign you want to achieve.
  • Facebook Ads Manager gives you 11 objectives to choose from to optimize your campaign.

Facebook describes these objectives as: 

  • Brand awareness: Used to increase awareness of your services, brand, or business
  • Reach: Shows your Facebook ads as many people in your target audience as possible
  • Traffic: Drives people from your Facebook Ad to an external link like a blog post or landing page
  • Engagement: Boost engagement such as comments, likes, and shares on your content
  • App installs: Direct your target audience to a page where they can download your app
  • Video views: Share videos with people who fit your target audience
  • Lead generation: Ads that collect info from people interested in your product, such as sign-ups for newsletters
  • Messages: Encourage potential customers in your target audience to communicate with your business
  • Conversions: Have your target audience take an action, like buying a product or subscribing to your email list
  • Catalog sales: Show visuals of a catalog (like clothing items from an e-commerce store) to encourage your target audience to make a purchase
  • Store traffic: Encourage your target audience to visit your brick-and-mortar business

Step 2. Set your target audience

After you’ve named your advertising campaign, Facebook Ads Manager will then ask you to narrow down who this particular ad will be shown.

Here, you’ll have two main options to choose from: 

  • Create a new audience
  • Used a saved audience (this includes your existing contacts, lookalike audience, custom audience, people who’ve liked your page or website visitors)

Step 3. Choose your Facebook ad placements

Since Facebook owns other platforms like Messenger and Instagram, it gives you the option to advertise on all of them. You’ll also need to decide which device you want to target (mobile, desktop, etc.) and where you want the ads to be placed (on newsfeeds, Instagram stories, Messenger messages, etc.)

If you are new to Facebook ads, this can all be a little daunting. Thankfully, Facebook Ads Manager offers an Automatic Placements option you can use, which uses algorithms to place your ads in the best spots for your budget allocation.

Facebook also says that choosing Automatic Placements can make ads more memorable. “According to Facebook research, combining Facebook and TV advertising can be effective for some advertisers. Ads on and off Facebook, on mobile and desktop, may have a similar effect,” the company says.

You’ll then need to choose:

  • Device Types: Do you want your ads shown on mobile? Desktops? Or both?
  • Operating Systems: Do you want just Android users to see your ad? You can make it happen
  • Platform: Do you want to stick to Facebook, or have your ad shown on Instagram, Audience Network, or Messenger?
  • Placements: Will your ad appear in just a news feed or do you want it in people’s stories and messages, too?

Step 4. Set your campaign budget

This is where you set your daily budget and decide how long your ad campaigns will run.

You are given two options to set your budget: 

  • Total budget: The maximum amount you’ll spend on the ad campaign before it stops running. If your total budget is $5, you’ll be charged up to $5, and then the campaign will stop.
  • Daily budget: The amount that’ll be spent on the campaign on a daily basis. If you pick a daily budget of $5, you’ll be charged up to $5 each day the campaign is running. Note that this amount could be exceeded a bit, but it usually wouldn’t still be too far apart.

While Facebook Ads Manager has bid control options and optional costs, this part of the process can be made simpler using a tool like GetResponse Facebook ads. Just set your spend and how long you want the ad to run for — and you’re done.

Step 5. Create your Facebook ad

You can use several ad styles for advertising to your audience, from images and videos to entire product collections.  The formats you have to choose from will vary depending on the objective you choose in step 1, but you’ll still be able to customize elements like:

  • Message introducing your ad (optional)
  • Image(s), banner(s), or video that’ll be used to promote it (adding multiple images creates a carousel ad)
  • Link to the site or page you want people to be referred to when they click on the ads button
  • The headline of your ad
  • Button type, e.g. Sign Up
  • Link description (optional)

How to use landing pages with Facebook ads?

Facebook ads are almost always about sending an audience to a targeted product or site.  One of the best ways to do that is to use targeted landing pages for any Facebook ads campaign you launch.  If you send potential customers to your homepage, you risk losing their attention and converting them. Studies show that 31% of advertisers lose leads because they send Facebook ads traffic to a homepage or another Facebook page instead of a targeted landing page.

Targeted landing pages for Facebook ads should have all the elements of any successful landing page, such as: 

  • A clear, convincing, unique selling proposition (USP)
  • Eye-catching headlines
  • Design elements that are consistent with the Facebook ad
  • High-quality images/videos/product carousels
  • A single, clear call-to-action

You have different options

You have different options to choose from when you are looking to build a Facebook landing page. They can use the Facebook developer page and plugin various apps to create targeted landing pages for your ad campaign:

And if you’re comfortable with web development, CSS, and Facebook API, designing your Facebook ad landing page shouldn’t be a complicated task. If you aren’t, hiring a developer is the next step you can take — although this is usually a costly move. Or, you can use GetResponse to create the landing page yourself. Using GetResponse landing page creator, you can choose from hundreds of professionally-designed landing page templates and customize them to mirror your Facebook Ad campaign’s design and message.

What’s the difference between Facebook ads & sponsored posts?

Sometimes when you’re scrolling on Facebook, you’ll notice a post that says “sponsored” on it.  These are called Sponsored posts, which, despite looking like Facebook ads, are quite different.  Sponsored posts are organic posts that a company “boosts” to get a broader reach on Facebook. Companies can only pay to “boost” a post once it has been organically published on their Facebook page. And because these posts aren’t created in Ads Manager, they don’t have the same customization features offered to Facebook ads.

While you still have control over your sponsored posts’ budget and duration, the targeted audience options are limited. On the other hand, the ads you run from the Facebook Ads Manager give you more control, flexibility, and targeting options. You can also choose more precise objectives and target people down to their interests, demographics, profession, age, and location. While sponsored posts are quick and easy, Facebook ads allow you to refine your campaign and target specific audiences.

5 types and examples of Facebook ads

Gone are the days when Facebook ads are just text and images.  Now, there are several types and styles of Facebook ads you can use to advertise products or content to your target audience — from videos, images, to interactive games.

Here are eight different types of Facebook ads you can use in your next campaign. 

1. Image ads

Image ads are simple ads you can use to promote anything from an eBook to a webinar.  Paired with convincing copy, image ads are a great way to increase conversions and boost brand awareness. Here’s an example of a compelling image ad: Not only does the image catch the audience’s attention, but the text overlay doubles as a reinforcement for what the ad is promoting: free training.

2. Video ads

Facebook video ads can be used across multiple platforms, from Facebook newsfeeds to Instagram stories. When your audience scrolls down their social media feed and comes across your ad, it’ll automatically start playing and catch their attention. This is important as Statista data shows that native video beats photos, live video, and links for engagement on Facebook:

This shows that video isn’t just compelling. It’s perfect for achieving campaign goals like brand awareness and conversions. Here’s an example of a video ad by Amazon: The ad features two recognizable American astronauts, and it also manages to squeeze important information into 10 seconds — the Beta Testing Program, and the product launch date.

3. Carousel ads

Facebook carousel ads use image libraries to display up to 10 different images at a time to your target audience.  By piecing together different images, you can create an ad set of products or highlight several services your company offers in a single ad, making them perfect for e-commerce stores.

Check out this example of a carousel ad by Pura Vida: 

The ad ticks a couple of important boxes: it tells people what the company is (artisan bracelets made in Costa Rica), promotes brand awareness (logo and branding is prominent and used in the carousel), and showcases several products (to boost sales).

It worked, too. Take a look at the highlights of Pura Vida’s Facebook ads campaign:

  • 45% lower cost per 1,000 people reached
  • 14% lower cost per click compared to other campaigns
  • 20X more unique products sold compared to previous campaigns

4. Lead ads

Facebook Lead ads have a specific purpose: to convert audiences into leads. So this makes them perfect for lead generation or free trial campaigns. Here’s an example of a lead ad aiming to convert people using a free webinar: Notice the “Sign Up” button? Once clicked, that call-to-action button will open up a form that collects names and email addresses you can then use to nurture audience members.

Pro-tip: Lead ads can be complex to build because they have two parts (the ad and the lead generation form). Using the GetResponse Facebook ads tool, you can create lead ads, target your audience, and have new leads automatically filter into your email list.

5. Dynamic ads

Dynamic ads are smart: they figure out what products your audience is most likely to be interested in and show them what you’ve got to offer. If someone has been on your website in the past and looked at a certain product or added something to their online cart, dynamic ads can then retarget them using these products (or similar) to reignite their interest.

Like carousel ads, you can add several images to a dynamic ad to entice the customer to complete a purchase. Here’s an example of a dynamic ad used by AirFrance: The company can then use this ad to retarget a customer on their website looking for a flight but failed to book. The dynamic ad shows them different destination options and, when a link is clicked, the customer is taken to the correct page on the airline’s website, making it easier to book their intended flight.

About Facebook

Facebook is a social networking website that was establish in February 2004 by Harvard University students Chris Hughes, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, and Mark Zuckerberg.

The idea behind Facebook was to provide an online book of faces for university students to connect and share information. It was initially a social network for Harvard and expanded in the following years to any university. It eventually became a social network for anyone, anywhere in the world.

The concept of a social network was a nascent one in 2004 and not entirely unique. Other social networks that were active at the time Facebook was created were Friendster, which was launched in 2002, and MySpace, which was launched in 2003. Users post information, status updates, and pictures of themselves on social networks. These items are share with friends, family, and communities of interest.

Facebook is more than just a social networking platform

Facebook is more than just a social networking platform; it’s also a business. Facebook had its initial public offering on May 18, 2012, on the Nasdaq stock exchange trading under the symbol FB. The company rebranded as Meta on Oct. 28, 2021. As of Dec. 1, 2021, Facebook trades under the symbol MVRS.

Facebook is only one of several technologies that Meta operates. In 2012, Facebook acquired the social networking site Instagram for $1 billion. Facebook then acquired WhatsApp for $19 billion in 2014. Facebook later got into virtual reality (VR) hardware with its acquisition of Oculus VR in 2014 for $2 billion.

With Meta, the idea is to create and enable the metaverse. This would meld social networking, VR, and augmented reality components to create new types of user interactions and experiences.

Key Facebook features

Facebook started out as a community where users shared information about themselves and different topics. Over time, different features expanded the scope of its capabilities:

  • Timeline. User profiles and updates are show on what is know as the Timeline. Timeline is the successor to the Facebook wall, which was the original home for user-profiles and updates. The user timeline includes posts, status updates, friend listings, photos, videos, and user activity information.
  • Friends. A primary feature of Facebook is the ability to search for and connect with friends and family. The search interface helps users quickly find acquaintances and also suggests potential connections.
  • News Feed. News Feed enables users to view news from the connections and groups that they follow. Users can like a given post or comment on it.
  • Pages. Pages are the profile and content pages for businesses on Facebook. It provides the ability for businesses to share information and communicate with customers.
  • Games. Facebook provides an integrated capability enabling users to play games on their own or together with
  • friends. Among the early successes of games on Facebook was Zynga’s FarmVille.
  • Groups. Communities of interest can organize themselves with the Facebook group feature. This enables the sharing of information, images, and active discussions.
  • Events. This feature enables users and groups to organize events that their followers can attend. It enables users to send out invites and help manage an attendee list.
  • Marketplace. This is an online yard sale, where users can buy and sell goods and services with other Facebook members.
  • Messenger. This is an instant messenger that enables friends to communicate in real-time via webchat or a mobile app.
  • Video. Facebook Live is a feature that enables individuals and businesses to stream live videos to friends, family, and followers.

Uses for Facebook

Billions of people around the world use Facebook daily to create and grow communities, personal interactions, and revenue. There are many uses for Facebook that individuals, community groups, and businesses can benefit from:

  1. Connecting with friends. The primary use of Facebook has always been about connecting people. Facebook is a way to find and connect with friends and remain updated on their activities.
  2. Creating communities. Facebook is use to create and organize communities of interest on just about any topic. It’s a platform that can enable like-minded individuals to come together, share ideas, discuss and organize.
  3. Engaging with customers. For businesses, Facebook can help with brand building and customer engagement. Having a Facebook presence enables businesses to share information about products and services with established and potential customers.
  4. Searching for jobs. Facebook is often a way to look at the personal and professional lives of people and organizations to see if there is a cultural fit. Businesses also often list available jobs on the app.
  5. Selling goods and services. Businesses can sell goods and services directly in the marketplace. They can also push consumers toward their products via advertisements.

In Conclusion

Facebook advertisements have come an extend way since they were launch in 2007. What started as simple photo and textual content advertisements have converted into sophisticated campaigns you can use to target audiences based on conduct, area, age, or even job description.

Understanding what ads to use and how to create them is key, and having the right gear makes it even simpler. With the use of a tool like GetResponse, you may create professional-looking facebook commercials that match your campaign targets, improve conversions, and in the end pressure greater sales!

However, if there is anything you think we are missing. Don’t hesitate to inform us by dropping your advice in the comment section.

Either way, let me know by leaving a comment below!

Read More: You can find more here https://www.poptalkz.com/.

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