September 4, 2024
Work in Canada

If you’re an entrepreneur, one of the best ways to start your business in Canada is to get work permits and work in Canada. This process can be tricky, but if you follow the steps below, it will be much easier than you ever thought possible! In fact, the general strategy below is good enough that many Canadian immigration experts recommend it to their clients who are looking to get work in Canada as well. If you’re interested in working in Canada, here are nine easy steps you can follow to get work in Canada in 2022!

Work in Canada

If you’re looking to live and work in Canada, or just take a short trip north, there are plenty of ways to make that happen. Here are the best 9 steps to get work in Canada easily in 2022, whether you’re getting your visa or traveling on vacation!

If you’re trying to find work in Canada, it can be quite difficult to do so when you don’t know what you’re doing. It seems like there are so many steps and hoops that you have to jump through, but the process doesn’t have to be overwhelming if you plan ahead and do it correctly! This article gives you nine steps to get work in Canada in 2022, no matter what your situation is now. Whether you want to become a permanent resident or just want to come up here for a little while, this article will help you!

About Work in Canada

Moving from the United States to Canada? Whether you’re new to the idea of working in Canada or a Canadian citizen looking for an easier way into the workforce, it is important that you understand how the Canadian immigration system works. The Canadian immigration system contains three categories for prospective immigrants: The Federal Skilled Worker Program, Provincial Nominee Programs, and Business Classes.

While the former two target skilled professionals and family reunification respectively, the business class provides a faster alternative for entrepreneurs looking to start their own businesses in Canada. However, these classes are not easy to enter due largely to both significant competition and the high skill levels needed for each of them.

10 Easy Steps to Get Work in Canada:

Step 1. Get a work permit in Canada

An employee work permit allows a foreign worker to work for the employer listed on the permit. This is one of the most common and essential documents required for hiring foreign workers. The issuance of an employee work permit is decided by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC). For more information on how to get a Canadian visa, check out our step-by-step guide.

For you to work in Canada as a foreigner, you will certainly need a work permit and sometimes a study permit. The work permit allows you to work in Canada and you can even get to apply for permanent residence in Canada. Let’s look at some steps in getting a Canadian work permit or visa.

Step 2. You have to choose your work permit

There are 3 main types of work permits that you can apply for as an international student: Open work permit, Post-graduation work permit, and Off-campus work permit. The type of permit will depend on the following factors: what field you are applying for (whether it is related to your field of study or not), how long have you been studying in Canada and when will you graduate. Open work permits allow students with a post-secondary degree or diploma (or who are registered as full-time students) a period of time after their studies finish before they need to apply for any other kind of job or permit.

Open work permit: this work permit allows you to work for any employer in Canada. It doesn’t restrict you to a particular employer or province in Canada. This means that you don’t really need an LMIA as you can work for any employer. The open-work permit is good if you are applying through the Express Entry System as you will not necessarily be looking for a valid job offer though it gives you an advantage over other applicants.

Know if you are eligible

Being eligible for a Canadian work permit means that you meet the following criteria we will be highlighting below.

  • You must have a valid job offer depending on the visa program you applied for
  • You must prove that you will leave Canada after your visa expires
  • You must have a sound health
  • You must have no criminal record
  • You must prove that you have enough funds to support your stay in Canada
  • Read More

Step 3. Apply for the work permit

1. Prepare the required documents 2. Fill out the application form 3. Pay the fee 4. Submit your application 5. Wait for a decision 6. Receive the work permit 7. Apply for a Social Insurance Number (SIN) 8. Apply for a Canadian driver’s license 9. Register with a government health insurance plan. On the other hand, it is easier to apply for the work visa online and you can also submit your documents online the processing time for your application is not really long around 20 weeks.

Step 4. Update your resume

Before you can land an interview, a potential employer needs to know about your qualifications. Your resume is your first step toward getting a foot in the door. So start by updating it with everything that pertains to your new line of work, including college or high school degrees and previous work experience.

There are no set rules when it comes to resume length—it all depends on how much information you want employers to know about you and how much space is available on the company’s application form. Keep yours no longer than one page if possible. Then get a few people (professors, teachers, family members) who are familiar with your work style and skills to give you feedback before sending it out.

You should also work on your cover letter as it also talks briefly about what you have to offer and how competent you are in the field of work. It is more like an introduction letter telling your potential employer how professional and willing to work you are. You can also get reference letters from your previous employers to attach to your application. These letters show that you are reliable and have a good work ethic.

Step 5. Go To Job Fairs In Person

While job fairs are also available online and through videos, they’re often most effective when attended in person. Here’s why: When you go to a career fair, you can network with lots of companies right then and there. You can ask the recruiter questions face-to-face. In some cases, the recruiter will be able to give you more information about the company.

If it sounds like a good fit for your personality and skillset, you can apply on the spot. And since they’ve already seen you at the event, they’ll know exactly who you are if your application is successful! Skip ahead a step by having someone from your university or community organize an event specifically for students just getting out of school or graduating soon.

Step 6. Look for the best recruitment platform whether in Canada

Finding the best recruitment platform isn’t easy and as a result, you may miss out on some great opportunities because your search wasn’t optimized. First, consider location; are there any gaps in your local talent pool that you can plug by hiring workers from another part of the country? Second, be sure to find a platform that lets you post jobs across multiple locations easily. There’s no sense paying for a national presence if you don’t intend to take advantage of it!

There are some good websites that present Canadian jobs for people that want to apply for jobs in Canada, some of them are:

  • Indeed (a global job company that recruits workers for industries)
  • Monster (a global job website that has a popular branch in Canada)
  • Canada job bank (it is one of the most used job websites for jobs in Canada)
  • Workopolis (helps small and corporate businesses to find the best candidates for job positions)
  • Eluta (this is another job website in Canada for Canadian employers who want to hire workers)

Step 7. Look for jobs in smaller communities in Canada

Larger cities are more competitive, but smaller communities have advantages of their own. It’s easier to make friends and fit into a community when you’re working outside a major city because the pace of life is slower and people tend to be friendlier.

Plus, if you have an entrepreneurial streak or ever think you might want to start your own business someday, small towns are ideal places for networking because they’re filled with interesting people who are keen on getting things done. They also offer a great environment for developing new skills—just look at it as practical career training!

Step 8. Research your target company in Canada

It is important that you understand the details of the company and how you can benefit from it. You should also focus on how your skills will help them meet their current business goals. The idea of an interview is for both parties to get what they want. So make sure that during the interview, your responses show them that you are interested in helping them grow as a company.

This will help you see the companies that meet your specifications and also which companies you meet their specifications. With this information, you would be able to tailor your CV and cover letter to meet the needs of the company and highlight how best your skill can fit into the company.

Step 9. Apply on Tuesdays between 11:30 and 12:30

It’s true, the mail room staff were caught sleeping on the job once again. The post office was closed so the only way to get your application mailed out is to hand-deliver it. It will probably be a few weeks before you hear back from any of the employers, but it will be worth the wait. Who knows, they might even call you for an interview!

Some people might see this as odd and yes it might seem odd but studies have shown that most of the job applications that were approved were those between this day and period too. Some people believe that applying at this time will mean that your CV will be at the top of others and you will be ahead of the competition. It is not really certain but you can give it a try and who knows, it might be your lucky day. One thing is that you should start your application early so that you would be attended to first before the rushing hours.

Step 10. Follow up on your application

If you don’t hear back from your employer within 3 weeks, follow up with a polite phone call or email. If you still haven’t heard anything by 4 weeks after the final application deadline, feel free to send another letter reiterating your interest and asking when you can expect a response. On the other hand, if you already have an interview scheduled, it is fine (and even expected) to check in with the employer/recruiter every few days leading up to the interview date. These little tidbits of information may not seem like much now but they could be crucial later on if there are any problems along the way!

Even after you have applied for the job, you will have to do a follow-up because you must have waited and no email has come in regarding the job application. The follow-up shows that you are very interested and expectant of the job. With this, the company might see your readiness and willingness in you and decide to give you a job offer. Even when your application has been confirmed and an email has been sent to you, you can say “thank you” to show that you are polite and modest.


If you’re looking for a way to immigrate and work in Canada, it can seem like an impossible task. With all the information out there, you could easily spend months feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. Luckily, there are several options that anyone with determination can pursue. Keep your chin up and make use of the tips here and soon enough you’ll be working legally—and happily—in the great white north! Continue Reading 📖 

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